31- Being Aligned With Your Goals

Season #1 Episode #31

Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you. - Oprah Alignment. Why do we want it and how do we get it? One of the most popular buzz words going around at the moment, and I wonder whether the real meaning of alignment has been lost with all the buzz.  It's something that can determine either your success or your struggle to achieve.  What is alignment? Alignment is Aligning your thoughts, behaviours, emotions and energy with the person you want to become to have the results that you want in life. In the dictionary, it means arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative position and  a position of agreement or alliance. So are your behaviours, thoughts, beliefs and actions in agreement?  Really think about what you want in life and decide whether those aspirations are what you truly want.  As we can often take on other peoples expectations, ideas of success and aspirations thinking it's what we want, yet truly deep down its not. Finding your own truth and being ok with that is the first step to getting into real alignment. So these are the things to consider to get into true alignment: Analyse your beliefs and figure out if they support your goals or hold you back? Picture yourself 5 years from now, with all those goals and aspirations achieved and see how you would be behaving, believing, feeling and what energy you are holding on a daily basis. Are your actions and words truly aligning with your goals. Energy is your responsibility and choosing your emotions to support your goals keeps you in momentum Consciously taking responsibility for our actions, thoughts, emotions and energy will continue to keep you in alignment. You do not become what you want; you become what you believe. - Oprah