278 - Reclaiming your full spiritual power to achieve success with CHRISTY WHITMAN, Best selling author, Leader and Coach
Our conversation covers:
- The 5 common obstacles that may be standing in your way of manifesting your desires
- Why you're attracting what you don't want & Managing your expectations
- Hard work is not the key to creating what you want. What is?
- What do the happiest and most successful people do with their desires?
- You speak about universal laws that each one of us needs to be aware of, understand, and know – why?
- Why your split energy is ruining your business
- Bringing your awareness to your energy leaks
- How your words are leading to your results
- The 7 Essential laws of manifesting your desires
- When we hear surrender we think of giving up, but you share it as an essential principle in The Desire Factor, can you explain?
- What’s the one secret desire most people have?
- Connecting to source and learning to channel