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 I know you want more out of your life, that’s why you’re here. You want to continue to strive to be the best version of yourself, to put yourself out there even though you're scared, and it’s with this knowing that I know you are destined to come up against self-sabotaging behaviours that keep you playing safe, staying small and hinder you from fully achieving the success you desire.

And the worst part about it, you feel stuck, but not sure why. That's because our self sabotaging behaviours can be sneaky AF, and it's over the years of working with over 100 women in business that I've discovered 15 different self sabotaging behaviours that keep them playing small. 

In today's training, this is what you will learn:

  • What self sabotaging behaviours are stunting your growth in business
  • The biggest fears that cause your self sabotaging behaviour
  • How to overcome that fear to stop sabotaging your success ( a powerful process to overcome any fear) 
  • 4 ways to overcome any self sabotaging behaviour

It's time for you to step into your next level of success and it's through the discover and process of overcoming these behaviours that your true success lies. 

Imagine what will be possible if you identified and overcome your fears, noticed when you were sabotaging and changed the way that you progressed towards your dreams. 


You are capable of achieving so much more. Let's kick this self sabotaging behaviour to the curb and elevate you and your business to the next level! 

Sign Up Now

Are you Self Sabotaging Your Success?


Hey 👋🏻 I'm Christine

I'm a Business Mindset Master Coach, Speaker, Podcast host and Creator of ELEVATED: Transform your worth, money & business Program.

I love coaching female entrepreneurs to own their worth, stop sabotaging their success and step up into their CEO leadership role to skyrocket their business success.

I'm a qualified Master Coach in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Matrix Therapies and an MBraining Practitioner with an extensive study of Human Behavioural Profiling, Hypnotherapy and Leadership Coaching. 

I specialise in doing the deep subconscious work in releasing limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours to up level your results in business, income and impact. 

Let me help you stop self sabotaging so you can reach your highest potential.

Take the training