Confidently charge what you're worth and thrive in a business you love!


 Isn't it time to start charging your worth and get off the income roller-coaster?

Time to drop the scarcity and become more abundant as the powerhouse CEO you know you can be?  


 You deserve to earn more and feel confident in the direction your business is going.

I know you want to make a positive impact in the world and you also deserve to be paid well for it.


When you transform your self worth and money mindset, you transform your business.

Shift from scarcity to abundance and enjoy consistent income in your biz so you can feel financially free and get back to loving what you do!



Ready to transform your worth, money & business?

Next intake starts in JUNE and runs consecutively for 10 weeks each Thursday.


Join the waitlist and get access to over $1200 worth of bonuses including a 1-1 Coaching session with Christine and her new Mini MONEY BOOST Course valued at $799!

Once you register you'll receive an email with all the details you need to know before deciding to sign up with zero obligation. 


Business can be the hardest personal development journey ever

It can feel like you're working your butt off doing all of the things, and not making the progress you want.

You pump yourself up to quote a new client and end up discounting or offering free services just so they won't turn you down.

You feel icky talking about money and avoid the topic with clients, and you just wish it was easier. You wish you were more confident in sales and finish sales calls feeling disheartened and depleted.

You avoid looking at your numbers and just hope, wish and pray it will all work out.

You want to celebrate other peoples successes but find yourself stuck in comparison instead, wondering when will it finally be your turn?

It can seem like your competition is flashing their success around and they make it look so easy, like there's some secret you're just not privy to. You want your business to thrive because you love what you do, but worry you're never going to get ahead.

You swing between being all in on your goals, excited and motivated, to treating your business like a hobby and getting stuck in procrastination and doubt.

If this is resonating, then you're in good company, you sound like every woman in business I've ever worked with.

Do you know what underpins all of this?… MINDSET

  • When you doubt your worth, you sabotage your success.
  • When you worry about not being “good enough”, you get caught in comparison 
  • When you avoid looking at your numbers, you’re not being the CEO you know you can be
  • When you worry about not making ends meet and fearing there’s never enough, you’re stuck in scarcity.

This is why I’ve created my signature program:

ELEVATED: Transform your Worth, Money & Business

because I want to see you succeed.

I want you to feel worthy so you can unapologetically promote yourself and your business because you’re the game-changer the world needs right now.

I want more money in your hands so you can feel confident to go after your big audacious goals.

Isn’t it time you leveled up to see what you’re capable of?

Hey, I'm Christine 

Speaker, Podcaster, Chocolate addict, cat lover and coffee drinker.

I'm also a Business Mindset Coach obsessed with Money Mindset. I've helped countless clients sell out their programs and workshops, raise their prices with confidence and 6 times their businesses in less than 12 months. 

My mission in business and life is to get more money into more women's hands so YOU can experience a sustainable business doing what you love. I believe more money in more women's hands will make the world a better place.

As a Qualified Master Coach in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, mBraining, Hypnosis & Human Behaviour I've helped countless women rid themselves of their money blocks, by working on their Money Energetics and start earning their fullest potential.

I know it may seem impossible to think you can work on your mindset and it shift everything in your business, but I'm here to tell you that I've witnessed it time and time again the impact this work can have. 

Not only have I gone from being stuck on an income roller coaster, to believing so whole-heartedly in my worth that I tripled my income in 12 months, but I've also helped so many of my clients do the same. 

That's why I've created this program, so you can have this too.

ELEVATED: Transform your Worth, Money & Business

will take you from stressed and overworked to feeling confident in charging your worth, selling yourself unapologetically and have you stepping into the CEO shoes of a profitable and sustainable business that you love!

In 10 weeks you'll transform your mindset from scarcity to abundance, opening up the floodgates so you can make more money, help more people and have more freedom.

You’ll go from undercharging, overworked and frustrated you’re working so hard for so little to confidently raising your prices, charging what you’re worth and feel so clear and confident in your ability to be successful in business. 

These are the shifts I've used to go from inconsistent income to being fully booked with dream clients & making consistent 5 figure months, which I now use to help my clients do the same.

Now it's your turn.



Here are some of the most common mindset blocks that hold women in business back... see how many of them you have

  • Undercharging and over-delivering, burning yourself out. 
  • You believe you have to work hard for money, and so when you're not hustling you don't feel like you deserve it
  • Avoid looking at your finances (I'm not good with money, so I'll let someone else deal with it)
  • Feeling stuck at a certain income level
  • You judge others who have a lot of money and tell yourself you'd rather be happy than be rich
  • People should come and find me, I shouldn't have to sell
  • Talking about money is uncomfortable, so you shy away from uncomfortable conversations
  • You make money but struggle to hold onto it and don't ever feel like you're getting ahead
  • You believe can't have love and money, meaning you can't love what you do and be paid well for it 
  • Not sharing your offers for fear of being to salesy, sleazy or being judged
  • Discounting or doing services for free
  • You're working your butt off and know you're not earning what you'd like to be earning.

Listen to Christie's experience with ELEVATED 

Christie was able to: 

  • Drop the belief 'you have to work hard to earn money'
  • Started believing in the value she has to offer
  • Increased her prices
  • Changed the way she utilised money in business
  • Pays herself a wage now.

"I'm 100% more confident with money and get excited about checking my bank balance now! I'm pleased to say the money mindset work has had a lasting effect on how I perceive and interact with money now. My attitude to money has shifted in such a dramatic way.

Suki, VK
Marketing specialist

Thank-you Christine for creating this program, it's a powerful course and challenging in a good way. I started the course with a fear around spending money and feeling like I needed to hold on to it, but now I know that money will always be there to support me, that money can bring fun, joy and growth.  I really loved looking at the masculine and feminine energies of money and writing my money script - I love reading it everyday. I loved hearing the shares from the other participants and listening back to the recordings in my time; this meant I could pause and do the work as I went. Well done - great course and I look forward to sharing more money wins with you soon!"

Andrea, W
Confidence Coach

"100% do it- it is the best investment you can make, especially if you feel you are at a point where you have met a blockage or a wall and can't grow past it. The mindset tools, community support, deep reflections and questions are invaluable to your life and business. Christine is incredible and always says the right things, and asks the right questions you need to ask yourself. I wasn't 100% sure what to expect, but any expectations I did have were above and beyond exceeded."

Social Media Manager

          Having the structured group calls each week where we worked through the topics and exercises together was essential for me to make changes. Whilst we had post call work to complete, most of the actions and learnings came during the calls. This was essential for me, as it kept me moving forward without distraction (I will do that later etc). This made me tackle the issues I would normally avoid and then I was able to get help from Christine and the other elevated members to work through these when they occurred. I loved the delivery and the format of the program.

Priceless Program!

Tracey, P

Marketing Consultant

What happens when you elevate your business practices & improve your money mindset?

You start to see business in a whole new light and you feel like: 

What I want is possible

A new found confidence and belief in what I offer

Confidence to sell myself and convert potential clients

Belief in my ability to make this business work long term

Confidence to see myself as a leader in the industry 

Join Now

ELEVATED is more than a program about Money Mindset, this is about creating a sustainable and profitable business, with you the powerhouse confident woman at the helm ready to take her life and business to the next level.

This live group coaching experience will...

  • Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance so you can finally feel financially free in your business
  • Teach you the skills to sell yourself and your offers with confidence and without the sleazy sales tactics. You'll create a sustainable sales process that feels good for you and your customer. 
  • Give you the confidence to implement all the strategies you've already learnt but were too scared to action until now. 
  • Learn Neuro-Science backed strategies to breakthrough your money blocks on a subconscious level to create long lasting change in your relationship with money.
  • Give you the confidence to be the powerhouse CEO who embraces her numbers, takes risks and dreams big with the belief she can do anything she puts her mind to.
  • Build the confidence and self worth to stop caring what other people think and to show up unapologetically to attract your dream clients.
  • Teach you how to break the habits of self-sabotage and self-doubt to elevate your level of wealth and self worth.
  • Teach you to use money as a tool to support your business mission and call your business to play at a bigger game so you can push through your income ceiling and start earning what you're capable of. 



Here's the thing... Success in business is 80% mindset and 20% strategy.

This is why this program starts with the mindset shifts you need in order to take action on the strategies. If you doubt yourself or your worth, those strategies will fall flat because you're not backing it up with the confidence it needs to succeed.

If you’re hiding out avoiding your numbers or holding yourself back from promoting yourself and your business, you’ll not only continue down the same path you're on now, but you’ll become even more resentful. Trust me. You don't need more strategies, you need to elevate your mindset and the success will come to you!

It’s time to work on your money blocks, improve your self worth and elevate your business!


Listen to Jessie's experience with ELEVATED 

(formally Energetics of Money)

Jessie was able to: 

  • Overcome her money blocks
  • Stopped trading time for money 
  • Start believing in what she offers!
  • Increased her prices
  • Quit her part-time job
  • Brought on 5 new Dream Clients on a higher rate! 

What results can you expect with ELEVATED?


You’ll go from undercharging, overworked and frustrated you’re working so hard for so little to confidently raising your prices, charging what you’re worth and feeling so clear and confident in your ability to be successful in business.


Raise your prices & start charging what you're worth

You drop the hustle and learn how to earn more while working less 

You break through your next income ceiling

Stop trading time for money and  feel more financially free in your business 


You improve your relationship with money and feel less stressed and more excited about it 

You call in abundance in opportunities, dream clients, money, or relationships


I want you to level up even further so as part of ELEVATED


I’ll include my 7 DAY MINI MONEY BOOST COURSE (valued at $799) for FREE!

a step by step process and easy to follow steps to overcome a scarcity spiral and having you bringing in more money in your biz fast.

 This is perfect for those freak out 'bank account is getting low' moments.

Plus it won’t leave you feeling salesy or sleazy.

ELEVATED is for you if... 

You're ready to start charging your worth

Of course you are! It's time! No more accepting less than you're worth, no more discounting, no more offering stuff for free, no more saying yes when you really want to say no! It's time to own your worth and charge like you own it!

You want to get off the hamster wheel of working harder for less than you’re worth

OOmphf... I feel this one. I struggled with this one for years. Working harder and harder expecting that that's how I would make more money and that eventually things would get easier. What I discovered though, was that setting boundaries and doing the self work mindset practices was what made all the difference. 

You want to earn consistent income & get off the income roller-coaster

You deserve to let go of the stress and frustration of the scarcity energy that we're all conditioned to believe, and your relationship with money doesn't have to be like that. I can't wait to show you what it can really be like. 

You want to push past your income ceiling and welcome a whole new level of abundance

Maybe you've hit the elusive 5 figure months, or maybe you haven't. Maybe you're sitting at the same level and can't seem to push it to the next level? Then it's definitely time to do this work, we're going to reveal your next level of wealth in the most magical of ways.  

You want to feel confident in selling yourself and your services 

Once you shift your mindset about sales ( because you know how integral sales are for your business to grow) you’ll feel confident in selling yourself unapologetically and not worrying about people rejecting you

You're ready to step into your Badass CEO shoes and create your legacy

Your business is ready to play at a bigger game and you're ready to get out of your own way to finally experience a business of impact and financial freedom. 

Ready to do this? Let's go!


Money Mindset work is transformational...

Check out what Tanya, one of my clients has to say about her experience...


When you join ELEVATED you get...

Weekly Live Coaching Calls with Christine

Each week Join Christine for 90 minutes of Live group Coaching on Zoom where you'll experience live coaching, game-changing processes and guaranteed mindset shifts.

Plus hot seat coaching so you can have all your questions answered. 

Each call will be on Thursday mornings at 9.30am AEST so you can kick start your day with an abundant mindset and powerful shifts.

New Lessons each week


Each week you'll receive a new module straight to your inbox to watch and implement in your own time. Short impactful videos will introduce you to the week's new module and guide you through making the positive changes to your mindset and business.

Sales scripts, Sales Plan & Client & Money Manifestation script & 

Workbooks to enhance your breakthroughs


You're going to want to take so many notes, so I've created some beautiful workbooks with tangible practices, tools and prompts to further enhance your breakthroughs.

Supportive Community with Like-Minded Business Owners


You'll be supported inside our private ELEVATED Community where you can get your questions answered, gain clarity and celebrate your abundant successes and wins!


Erin's experience with ELEVATED ( formally Energetics of Money ) was so transformative. 

Erin was able to: 

  • Double her business results 
  • Manifest an abundant, romantic relationship
  • Reoccurring clients returning and investing again 

Isn't it time to drop the self doubt and prove to yourself

what you're capable of?


ELEVATED isn't just about money, it encompasses the mindset, sales & business strategies you need to master in order to have a successful and profitable business that you love.   

Throughout the nine weeks I'll be taking you through my Elevated Framework to ensure your whole experience with money is shifted. From releasing generational blocks of scarcity, learning how to create and manifest wealth, building the confidence and self worth to sell unapologetically and becoming the CEO who creates the success and wealth she deserves.


Let's explore what we'll be covering for ELEVATED...


Watch what Michelle was able to achieve...

Want to feel confident selling yourself?

Join Now

At the end of these 10 weeks you could:

  • Feel confident in what you offer & you're unapologetically promoting yourself.
  • Feel confident in your pricing and are charging what you're worth.
  • No longer feel stressed about money or worrying about where your next client is going to come from.
  • Stopped trading time for money and know what you need to do to make your business profitable.
  • Drop the hustle and learn how to balance the action and flow in your day needed for a sustainable business.
  • Feel worthy of the success you've created and you're BEING the CEO of your business.
  • Have shifted from a scarcity to abundant mindset and are seeing the results in your business & life

Are you ready to feel good about money and take your business to the next level?


Here's the thing, if you don't do something different, nothing changes. 

So this is your invitation to join me as we transform your money energetics and welcome all the freedom, impact and abundance that your heart desires into your life. 

Are you ready? Let's do this!






Ready to transform your worth, money & business?

Next intake starts JUNE 2023 and runs consecutively for 10 weeks each Thursday.

Join the waitlist and get access to over $1200 worth of bonuses including a 1-1 Coaching session with Christine and her new Mini MONEY BOOST Course valued at $799!

Once you register you'll receive an email with all the details you need to know before deciding to sign up with zero obligation. 

Look, sometimes the only way to really know whether a program is the right fit for you is to get in there and test it out, which is exactly why ELEVATED comes with a 14 day ‘do the work’ money-back guarantee.


If you don’t feel like ELEVATED is giving you the growth, support, and accountability you need to take your business to the next level, just email me at [email protected] the 3rd live call and I’ll give you your money back.

The only thing you have to do is attend the calls live or watch the recordings, and show me that you've done the homework up until week three. That way I’ll keep you accountable to the commitment you make when you join, and you’ll keep me honest about whether the program will serve you.

There’s one more thing I want to chat with you about before you go... June 30th 2023...

Because, if you join  ELEVATED, chances are your business will look and feel pretty different by the end of the first quarter, thanks to the fact you’ll be three months into owning your worth, unapologetically showing up, selling yourself  and having a new relationship with money.
And if you’re like, “Yeah, okay Christine… can tax time really be that exciting?” — well, you tell me.
When you're earning your worth and feeling financially free, you're more motivated and inspired to take massive action towards your goals.
What would be possible if you....


✔ Felt confident in yourself and where your business is going
✔ Felt excited to dream bigger and set bold new goals you know you can achieve
✔ Felt confident in your ability to promote yourself and attract your dream clients
✔ Felt excited to open your online banking app and see more 00's ready to be spent however you like
✔Felt excited to do your tax because you've earned above and beyond your annual goal
✔ Felt confident as the powerhouse CEO ready to make your next move ...

Listen to Suki's transformation...

Want to charge high-ticket prices? 
But struggle to see your worth?

Suki did too.

Join Now
Before working with Christine, I was limiting myself and my growth and just generally getting in my own way. My biggest takeaways were the mindset shifts, I no longer feel like my money mindset is limiting me and holding me back. I was playing small and my goals are much bigger now. My favorite part has been the digging deep and dreaming bigger. I also really loved the connection and group element, working alone you miss out on all those connections.
I loved working with you and I now believe I can dream big and achieve those goals.
You are so incredible at what you do! Keep doing it! X
- Tanya
Boutique Essential Oils Store


Do you want to be in the exact same place next year?


Join now and get ready to elevate your Worth, Money & Business...

Let's Do This!

Questions answered and ready to elevate?