Ready to get off the income rollercoaster, create consistent $10K months and start earning the money you deserve? 

Are you a driven and ambitious woman in business eager to break free from the limitations holding you back? 
Do you dream of making $10K Months consistently and achieving the financial freedom you deserve? 
YES? If you're ready to take your business to new heights , then you've come to the right place.

Join the Waitlist

Elevate Mastermind sells out quickly and those on the waitlist get first access. Adding your name to the waitlist does not secure you a spot. You will receive an email with your next steps and give you options to secure your spot. 

Hey Lovely

I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you're working your butt off and the money just isn't flowing. 
Is the income rollercoaster is getting to you and you wish the business side was easier?
I know what this feels like. I used to be there too. Does this sound like you?
Month after month feeling disappointed that you don't have the extra money to spend on yourself or your business?
Finding and converting new clients feels like a hard slog especially when you see others attracting new clients easily and effortlessly. 
The thought of working more ON your business makes stresses you out because you're already time poor and more time away from client work will mean less money. 
You swing between being all in on your goals, excited and motivated, to treating the business like a side hobby and getting stuck in procrastination and doubt?
If this is resonating, then you're in good company, you sound like every woman in business I've ever worked with.
It can seem like the only way to earn more is to work more, but that's where I want to prove you wrong.


It's time to start working smarter not harder.

Earning more money in your business doesn't always mean you have to work harder! 

There comes a time in your business where you have to stop throwing spaghetti at the wall and saying YES to everything and start getting clear on what works and what doesn't!
I call this the 'clear definition' phase where you need to define your message, define your value and define your strategies, plus UPLEVEL your mindset of course.  

This is the SMARTER not HARDER phase and it's how you level up your income and success! 


I hate seeing women give up on their dreams because they haven’t figured out the financial side of their business.


 So many women I've worked with and speak to are so talented and are genuine generous women who want to help others and get caught in giving too much, not charging what they're worth and getting stuck in the time vs money trap of a service based business. 
They struggle with the business side,  avoid looking at their numbers and money and I just know once they get this part right, everything else becomes easier. 
They believe in themselves more, they manage their money well, have an abundant growth mindset and they sell themselves with confidence knowing that what they have to offer is valuable and can help so many! 


This is why I created the...



 Having a business that pays you well for the passion and hard work you put into creating incredible results & the dedicated service you give to your clients

  Feeling confident and secure with your money, knowing how to manage it and make it. 

✰ Having a simple sales plan in place that will create consistent five figure months so you can feel confident in your business future 

 Feeling confident in showing up online with authenticity and promoting yourself with ease and purpose 

✰ Believing in the value you offer and becoming the go-to person in your industry that attracts your dream clients with ease

✰ Feeling confident and clear on where to spend your time for best results, being CEO that has time to work on the biz and bring new creations to life while still earning good money.

 Being able to pay yourself a wage, contribute to your family, invest back into your business and have the freedom and flexibility you started your business to have. 

 Feeling calm and confident and clear with your money and knowing you have a legitimate business that you're proud of!




Listen to what Amy has to say about ELEVATE

 During Elevate Amy was able to:

- 3 X'd her income

- She hit her first $10K Month!!

- Is now Booked out

- Is no longer being driven by scarcity

- Is excited for the future of her business!



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What people are saying...


Hi 👋🏻 I'm Christine

Speaker, Podcaster, Chocolate addict, cat lover and coffee drinker.

I'm also a Business Mindset Coach obsessed with Money Mindset. I've helped countless clients sell out their programs and workshops, raise their prices with confidence and 6 times their businesses in less than 12 months. 

My mission in business and life is to get more money into more women's hands so YOU can experience a sustainable business doing what you love. I believe more money in more women's hands will make the world a better place.

As a Qualified Master Coach in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, mBraining, Hypnosis & Human Behaviour I've helped countless women rid themselves of their money blocks, by working on their Money Energetics and start earning their fullest potential.

I know it may seem impossible to think you can work on your mindset and it shift everything in your business, but I'm here to tell you that I've witnessed it time and time again the impact this work can have. 

Not only have I gone from being stuck on an income roller coaster, to believing so whole-heartedly in my worth that I tripled my income in 12 months, but I've also helped so many of my clients do the same. 

That's why I've created this program, so you can have this too.

The Curriculum


During this four month Mastermind Experience, you'll also get access to my $10K Accelerator Program designed to dive deep into the core strategies that will help you build a profitable business. I'll guide you every step of the way to ensure you're set up for success.


What can you expect from elevate Mastermind?



2 x 60 Minute Group Coaching Calls a month in small pods. 

The power of community should never be underestimated. When you join ELEVATE, you become part of a vibrant and supportive group of like-minded women who are all committed to achieving their $10K goals. Through our group coaching sessions and mastermind meetings, you'll have the opportunity to share insights, exchange ideas, and receive valuable feedback from your peers. The collective wisdom of the group will inspire and propel you towards greater success. 

Over your four month journey you'll have 2 x 60Minute Coaching Calls and a Bonus Training every month.


Step By Step Program to create consistent $10k Months in your service based business.

Every successful business starts with a solid foundation. That's why our program begins with our exclusive $10+ Accelerator Program. We'll dive deep into the core strategies and tactics that will help you build a profitable business. From identifying your 10K business model, to crafting irresistible offers, to developing a sales plan for consistent sales, you'll be guided every step of the way to ensure you're set up for success.

You'll receive your roadmap and plan during our first coaching call and you'll know exactly what to spend your time learning to take your business to the next level.


Live Mindset Processes & Access to Subconscious Rewiring Audios

I firmly believe that success begins with your mindset. That's why ELEVATE is not just about practical strategies and techniques; it's also about transforming your mindset. Our program incorporates powerful processes and exercises designed to identify and eliminate limiting beliefs that may be sabotaging your success. We'll guide you in cultivating a positive money mindset and help you unlock your full potential to achieve extraordinary results.


2 x Private 1-1 Coaching Calls with Christine. 

I believe in the power of personalised attention. As an ELEVATE member, you'll have access to 2 x 1-1 coaching sessions with your Master Coach Christine who is dedicated to your success. These sessions are tailored specifically to your needs, allowing us to address your unique challenges, work through any mindset block, provide guidance, and offer practical strategies to overcome obstacles and accelerate your progress. Our accountability system will keep you on track and ensure you stay focused and motivated throughout the journey.

Monthly Bonus Training with Christine

Live 60 Minute Training Call 

Live Call to further explore our monthly focus to keep you on track and elevate your success every step of the way. We'll dive deep into a strategy, mindset uplevel or specific area that is showing up for the collective that needs focus and attention to upskill or move through. 

Daily Coaching Support

Business Coaching support in Slack Community 

Don't wait to get the answers to your burning questions, ask away in our active community where you can share and celebrate your wins, get coaching support from Christine and team, and submit any work for reviews and feedback. 

Wanna know what the experience is like? Hear it from past members...


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I want you to level up even further so as part of ELEVATE Mastermind

I’ll include my 7 DAY MINI MONEY BOOST COURSE (valued at $799) for FREE!

A step by step process and easy to follow steps to overcome a scarcity spiral and having you bringing in more money in your biz fast.

This is perfect for those freak out 'my bank account is getting low' moments.

Promise it won’t leave you feeling salesy or sleazy.

Join the waitlist

Elevate Mastermind is run three times a year. April/August/ November are our months of Intake.
Elevate Mastermind sells out quickly and those on the waitlist get first access. Adding your name to the waitlist does not secure you a spot. You will receive an email with your next steps and give you options to secure your spot. 

Elevate Mastermind

Is for you if:

  • You want to earn consistent income & get off the income roller-coaster so you can pay yourself a wage and feel proud of the business you've created.
  • You're currently working with clients and want to know where to spend your time more effectively to grow to $5k and $10k months without the sleaze or get rich quick tactics
  • You love being a part of a supportive community and you love to give back as much as you receive
  • You want to feel confident in selling yourself and have a plan in place to attract your dream clients consistently
  • You're done with hiding and you're ready to level up and start putting yourself out there with confidence and conviction
  • You know your mindset is a HUGE part of your success and you're ready to do the inner work success requires
  • You're passionate about making a difference in this world and you know that for you to continue to do good, you need a sustainable business that pays you what you're worth
  • You're ready to take messy action before having all the answers and to do that you'd love some accountability to move you through those fear inducing action steps.
Join Now

There is so much more to Elevate Mastermind, hear it from more of our members..

Join Elevate Mastermind

Elevate Mastermind

Is NOT for you if: 

  • You're still in idea phase of your business or you have not yet worked with 1-1 clients in your service based business. 
  • If you don't feel comfortable sharing your challenges and experience or what you're working on. The Mastermind is a collaborative space and it's important that you share your story to connect and work well together
  • You're not ready to charge what you're worth and you want to keep people pleasing in your business
  • You're not ready to do the work to create the results. As your coach, I cannot guarantee your results as you are the one that needs to take the action in your business. All the testimonials you see here are from clients who have been willing to go all in and do the work required to make the changes that lead to results.

Check out pasts Members experience: 

Before working with Christine, I was limiting myself and my growth and just generally getting in my own way. My biggest takeaways were the mindset shifts, I no longer feel like my money mindset is limiting me and holding me back. I was playing small and my goals are much bigger now. My favorite part has been the digging deep and dreaming bigger. I also really loved the connection and group element, working alone you miss out on all those connections.
I loved working with you and I now believe I can dream big and achieve those goals.
You are so incredible at what you do! Keep doing it! X
- Tanya
Boutique Essential Oils Store

If you've read this far, is there a question I

haven't answered yet? 

Investing in yourself is scary, I get it. I've invested tens of thousands into my growth and every time I feel a little sick in my stomach, nervous yet excited, because that's what growth feels like. When you click that sign up button, you know things are going to change and that feels scary, but I want you to know that I've got you. 

If you have more questions, I'm here. Simply send me a DM on instagram and lets chat to see if this is going to be the right fit for you. I'm a big believer of only recommending a program when I know it's going to give you what you need and I would NEVER sell you into something that is not right for you. 

Don't wait as once all spots are gone, you'll miss out as this round will sell out as I have a lot of people on the waitlist. 

DM on Instagram

My promise to you...


Look, sometimes the only way to really know whether a program is the right fit for you is to get in there and test it out, which is exactly why ELEVATE comes with a 14 day ‘do the work’ money-back guarantee.

If you don’t feel like ELEVATE Mastermind is giving you the growth, support, and accountability you need to take your business to the next level, just email me at [email protected] before the 3rd live call and I’ll give you your money back.
The only thing you have to do is attend the calls live or watch the recordings, and show me that you've done the homework that I've set. That way I’ll keep you accountable to the commitment you make when you join, and you’ll keep me honest about whether the program will serve you.
Join Elevate Mastermind

Questions answered? 

What are you waiting for? 

Investing in yourself is never comfortable, and that's the whole point. You're on the precipice of change and even though that can feel scary, it's also really exciting. 

By going all in with your investment, you're telling the universe and yourself, that it's time to draw the line in the sand and make your dreams a reality! 

Let's do this together!

I'm ready to Elevate!

Ready to Get off the income rollercoaster, create consistent $10K months and start earning the money you deserve? 



Join Now