Are you ready to start attracting the money you deserve?

Stop stressing and start attracting more abundance now!


Upgrade your Money Mindset in 30 days!

Bite sized audios to transform your financial future and unlock the success you deserve.

Let's Do This!

Working on your money mindset is an investment in the success and longevity of your business. 

Maybe you’ve heard someone talking about money mindset, maybe you’ve read a few books or dabbled in law of attraction, and you know you want to feel better and do better when it comes to you money in your business. 

By developing a positive and growth-focused relationship with money, you not only elevate your financial outcomes but also enhance your overall well-being as a business owner. 

It's a transformative journey that goes beyond dollars and cents—it's about creating a mindset that propels you toward lasting success and fulfilment.

It can feel like there are so many things to work on in your business to ensure your success, marketing, lead gen, sales, content, website, actually working with clients, but do you know what underpins success in all these areas?

Your Mindset.

More specifically your Money Mindset. 

As a business owner, understanding and actively working on your money mindset is a game-changer.


Your money mindset, the beliefs and attitudes you hold about money,

shapes every financial decision and

action you take.

Here's why it's imperative to work on fostering a positive and growth-oriented money mindset now;

Is this you?

  • You avoid looking at your numbers and find financial decisions hard
  • You find talking about money with family, friends, or especially clients/customers uncomfortable
  • You experience feast and famine, the income rollercoaster in your business
  • You wish making money was easier
  • You end up discounting or giving stuff away for free when people start talking about their budget 
  • You feel like you're stuck or stagnant at the same income every month

If any of these sound like you, it's a clear sign that your money mindset needs some nurturing.

This 30-day audio program is designed for you, the busy business owner, to start uncovering and unlocking the power of shifting your money blocks, adopting a growth wealth mindset and changing your whole relationship with money. 

 "I'm 100% more confident with money and get excited about checking my bank balance now! I'm pleased to say the money mindset work has had a lasting effect on how I perceive and interact with money now. My attitude to money has shifted in such a dramatic way."

Suki, VK
Marketing specialist

"I worked through a massive fear of increasing my prices last year and with Christine's guidance I have literally doubled my bookings.
I'm already sold out for Feb, March and on my way to booking up April!"

Hypnobirthing Practitioner

This 30 day upgrade is for you if: 

You're ready to start attracting the money you deserve

If you're anything like some of my clients, you've worked your butt off to get to where you are and have almost started to resent the work you do and the clients you work with because you're not charging your worth. This is just a sign that it's time to start earning what you deserve, which you can totally do once you believe in the value you have to offer and charge like you mean it. 


You want to stop thinking about money so much. You're sick of stressing about it all the time and want to feel more in control of your finances

I get it, money can be a conversation you're having with yourself all day long. It impacts every area of our life and can leave you feeling like you're never going to get ahead. When I implemented these changes in my mindset, I no longer stressed about money, I felt excited to look at my bank account and finally felt in control of my financial future as a business owner. Trust me, this is where your journey to feeling better about money begins - your mindset.


You want to get off the hamster wheel of working harder for less than you’re worth

OOmphf... I feel this one. I struggled with this one for years. Working harder and harder expecting that that's how I would make more money and that eventually things would get easier. What I discovered though, was that setting boundaries and doing the self worth mindset practices that I share with you in this program was what made all the difference.


You want to earn consistent income & get off the income roller-coaster

You deserve to let go of the stress and frustration of the scarcity energy that we're all conditioned to be stuck in, your relationship with money doesn't have to be like that. I can't wait to show you what it can really be like. 


You want to push past your current income ceiling and welcome a whole new level of abundance

Maybe you've hit the elusive 5 figure months, or maybe you haven't. Maybe you're sitting at the same level and can't seem to push it to the next level? Then it's definitely time to do this work, we're going to reveal your next level of wealth in the most magical of ways. 


You're ready to start charging your worth

Of course you are! It's time! No more accepting less than you're worth, no more discounting, no more offering stuff for free, no more saying yes when you really want to say no! It's time to own your worth and charge like you own it!


Let's do this!

30 Day Money Mindset Upgrade

AUD $555

including GST. Valued at over $2000

  • 30 Bite-Sized Audios to elevate your money mindset 
  • Abundance Workbook to do the deep work of transformation
  • Bonus Meditations and Visualisations to elevate your money beliefs to a wealthy mindset

Why Learn from me?

Hi 👋🏻 I'm Christine!

I'm a Speaker, Podcaster, Chocolate addict, cat lover and coffee drinker.

I'm also a Business Mindset Coach obsessed with Money Mindset. I've helped countless clients sell out their programs and workshops, raise their prices with confidence and 6 times their businesses in less than 12 months. 

My mission in business and life is to get more money into more women's hands so YOU can experience a sustainable business doing what you love. I believe more money in more women's hands will make the world a better place.

As a Qualified Master Coach in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, mBraining, Hypnosis & Human Behaviour I've helped countless women rid themselves of their money blocks, by working on their Money Energetics and start earning their fullest potential.

I know it may seem impossible to think you can work on your mindset and it shift everything in your business, but I'm here to tell you that I've witnessed it time and time again the impact this work can have. 

Not only have I gone from being stuck on an income roller coaster, to believing so whole-heartedly in my worth that I tripled my income in 12 months, but I've also helped so many of my clients do the same. 

That's why I've created this program, so you can have this too.

This audio program is about delving into the very core of your financial beliefs, untangling the deep-seated fears that hinder your growth, and arming you with neuroscience-backed strategies for a lasting transformation.

My Six Pillar Money Mindset Framework addresses everything from the subconscious blocks to the daily habits to change your whole relationship with money.

With each session, you will chip away at the scarcity mindset that's been limiting your potential, learn to assert your worth with confidence, and infuse your business with an abundance mindset that attracts prosperity.

You'll get access to the same proven steps my clients have used to elevate their wealth to new heights.

It's time to redefine how you interact with money, break free from the self-sabotage cycle, and step into a world where financial well-being is your new norm.

Here's what you can expect: 

  • A new daily audio dropped to you each day to explore new concepts and strategies to elevate your money mindset for abundance
  • Break through subconscious barriers that hold you back to shift money blocks.
  • Uncover belief systems, fears and generational blocks that keep you stuck in a scarcity loop.
  • Learn daily habits that build financial confidence and wealth 
  • Access to client-tested tools and strategies to help you elevate your mindset and self worth.
  • BONUS access to powerful visualisations and meditations to transform your subconscious blocks and rewiring your beliefs for abundance.

This program will change the way you interact with money in your business. It will give you the long lasting change that reading a book just cannot create.  

I want to see you have a business with abundance, where you attract prosperity and have a new, strong money mindset.  

I'm ready!

"Before working with Christine, I was limiting myself and my growth and just generally getting in my own way. My biggest takeaways were the mindset shifts, I no longer feel like my money mindset is limiting me and holding me back.

I was playing small and my goals are much bigger now. My favorite part has been the digging deep and dreaming bigger. I also really loved the connection and group element, working alone you miss out on all those connections.
I loved working with you and I now believe I can dream big and achieve those goals.

You are so incredible at what you do! Keep doing it! X"

Boutique Essential Oils Store

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